1. The first Coretta Scott King Award was given in 1970. Who received it?
A. Sharon Bell Mathis, author of Ray Charles
B. Lillie Patterson, author of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Man of Peace
C. Camille Yarborough, author of Cornrows
D. Charlemae Rollins, author of Black Troubadour: Langston Hughes
2. In 1972, this man was the first black artist to receive a Caldecott Honor:
A. John Steptoe for Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters
B. George Ford for Ray Charles
C. Jerry Pinkney for Mirandy and Brother Wind
D. Tom Feelings for Moja Means One: A Swahili Counting Book
3. What year did the American Library Association recognize the Coretta Scott King Award as an official association award?
A. 1970
B. 1991
C. 1982
D. 1976
4. Who was the first African-American author to win a Newbery Medal?
A. Mildred Taylor
B. Virginia Hamilton
C. Christopher Paul Curtis
D. Sharon Bell Mathis
D. Sharon Bell Mathis
5. Bonus: What was the book?
A. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
B. The Hundred Penny Box
C. MC Higgins, The Great
D. Bud, Not Buddy
6. What was the name of the children’s magazine co-edited by W.E.B. DuBois and published by the NAACP in the 1920s?
A. The Brownies’ Book
B. The Renaissance Reader
C. Negro Voices
D. Black Song
7. Bonus: How much did it cost per copy?
A. $1
B. 15 cents
C. 25 cents
D. 50 cents
8. In the 1890s, what black poet published, Little Brown Baby, a collection of children’s verse?
A. Langston Hughes
B. Joshua McCarter Simpson
C. Paul Laurence Dunbar
D. George Moses Horton
9. What black author won the first ever Michael L. Printz Award for excellence in young adult literature?
A. Walter Dean Myers
B. Louise Meriwether
C. Rosa Guy
D. June Jordan
1. B. For more information on Coretta Scott King Awards, please visit: http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=bookmediaawards&template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=165544
2. D. For more about Tom Feelings, please visit: http://www.answers.com/topic/tom-feelings
3. C. For more about Coretta Scott King Awards, please see above.
4. B. For more about Virginia Hamilton, please visit: http://www.virginiahamilton.com/
5. C.
6. A. For more about The Brownies’ Book, please visit: http://www.northern.edu/hastingw/brownies_book.htm and http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/content/2370/
7. B.
8. C. For more about Paul Laurence Dunbar, please visit: http://www.dunbarsite.org/
9. A. For more about Walter Dean Myers, please visit http://www.walterdeanmyers.net/.
For more about the Printz Award, please visit: http://www.ala.org/ala/yalsa/booklistsawards/printzaward/Printz__Michael_L__Award.cfm
Enjoyed the quiz. I got six correct. The first question I couldn’t even begin to guess at. After that it got easier. Six out of Nine is passing, right?
Hi Doret,
Thanks for taking the quiz. Six right is awesome :).
Great quiz, and links. Thank you.
Thank you for stopping by! Congrats too on your amazing book deal! We’re so proud of you.
I’m going to re-post your news here. Hope you don’t mind :).
“Olugbemisola Amusashonubi-Perkovich’s debut middle-grade novel EIGHTH-GRADE SUPERZERO, about Brooklyn middle-schooler Reginald “Pukey” McKnight, a nobody who discovers the superhero within himself thanks to his friends, his work at a local homeless shelter, his campaign for school president, and a pair of “Dora the Explorer” sneakers; to Cheryl Klein at Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic (a manuscript first uncovered in the slush pile), by Erin Murphy at Erin Murphy Literary.”
Congrats again!