Today is the book birthday for a special anthology. Edited by Wade and Cheryl Hudson and published by Crown Books for Young Readers in cooperation with the Hudsons’ company, Just Us Books, We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices is a treasury of poems, prose and art that offers hope and encouragement to children in these challenging times. The [ Read the full article… ]
Category: Book Reviews

Brown Book Review: My Own Worst Frenemy
I’d ask where books like My Own Worst Frenemy were when I was a young reader, but I already know the answer – they didn’t exist. It’s why I started writing YA, in the first place. Reviewing books like Reid’s first in the Langdon Prep series is bittersweet for me. On one hand I feel [ Read the full article… ]

Commentary: Life – An Exploded Diagram
By Mal Peet My problem is, I’m way too literal. When someone tells me that a book is Young Adult, I sort of believe it. And right, wrong or indifferent, for ME a Young Adult novel has to primarily revolve around a young person’s experience. Some YA historical fiction reads like adult historical fiction. An [ Read the full article… ]

Brown Book Review: Bitter Melon
By Cara Chow The best thing a book can do, to and for me, is evoke some sort of passion. The bell rings if it makes me angry. Bitter Melon rang my bells, much like What Can’t Wait did. Both are stories about what it’s like to be a first generation American citizen of an [ Read the full article… ]

Compulsion Review
By Heidi Ayarbe Compulsion. Ten letters. Ten plus zero equals 10. Damn! Not good. If you’re wondering what I’m raving about, wait until you dive into Compulsion and into the very chaotic head of seventeen-year-old Jake Martin, star soccer player and OCD sufferer. Jake’s held prisoner by his compulsions – needing the time, or people’s [ Read the full article… ]

Brown Book Review: Bestest.Ramadan.Ever
In case you were wondering, the Cybils judging is going just fine. Thanks. Every waking second that I’m not working, writing or mommying/wifeing I’m reading. In reality, that’s not really a lot of seconds but for the first time in history my fast reading skills have come in handy. For once, consuming a book in [ Read the full article… ]

Cleopatra’s Moon Review
By Vicky Alvear Shecter I like historical fiction – more than I realized until I became a total Ken Follett nut. I like reading about ancient cultures. The past is fascinating to me because it’s already happened and can be analyzed and picked apart to death. I’m an overanalyzing kind of gal (the first step [ Read the full article… ]

TRW: The Queen Of Water Review
Queen of water by Laura Resau Every book has its place and its audience. Although The Queen of Water is fiction, it’s based on a true story and it read like a biography. I think readers who enjoy biographies and those who have an interest in learning about different cultures will be most drawn to [ Read the full article… ]