Hmm…feels a little weird in the blogger’s chair. Have I been away that long?
I’m peeking my head up from a forced hiatus because Becky Laney over at Becky’s Book Reviews is gearing up for the annual Librarian’s Choices 2008. Last year, I was excited to learn of this list, sponsored by the Texas Woman’s University, but disappointed that the African American books represented were from only established authors.
I’m desperately anxious to see more African American children’s authors represented on awards and librarian lists and was prompted to lament the lack thereof within last year’s LC awards. Becky responded with a very sensible, succient point – the books can’t be considered if the committee doesn’t know about them.
Ahh…touche, Madame Laney.
So look, the window is now open via Becky’s encouragement to have traditional publishers or their authors send along books for consideration. The books must have been published in 2008.
Authors, publishers step up and drop your name into the ring. Half the battle is increasing awareness.
Thanks for the heads-up.
I read about this last night when I went blog hopping.