CDF Freedom Schools 60 for 60 Read Aloud Campaign

We are proud to support Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom Schools as they commemorate the 60th anniversary of Freedom Summer of 1964. To mark that milestone, they are recruiting 60 traditionally published children’s book creators to read at Freedom Schools around the country on the morning of Wednesday, July 17.  Vanesse Lloyd-Sgambati of the African American Children’s Book Project is helping with the recruitment effort.

Learn more about the project, where schools are located and sign up here: Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools: 60 For 60: Protecting the Freedom to Read in Honor of the Freedom Summer of 1964 (

This initiative is a part of the CDF Freedom Schools annual National Day of Social Action (NDSA) project, in which 13,000+ K-12 scholars and communities will march, protest, and demand communities and elected officials to protect the freedom to read.

Children’s book creators who have signed up so far include Tracey Baptiste, Alice Faye Duncan, Zetta Elliott, Rita Lorraine Hubbard, Dinah Johnson, Jeanine Jones, Sharon Langley, Kelly Starling Lyons, Torrey Maldonado, Andrew Maraniss, Shaughnessy Miller, Tanisia Moore, Shelia P. Moses, Judy Carey Nevin, Ngeri Nnachi, Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Lisa Stringfellow, Artika Tyner and Leslie Youngblood.

Find out more about this important campaign here and in this Publishers Weekly article. Please share widely. Thank you for your support.



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