The number of African American Children’s Book authors published in 2007 has declined nearly 12% since 2006! The Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison has tracked children’s books by and about people of color in the US since 1994. Its study of African American children’s book authors goes back further [ Read the full article… ]
Author: Don Tate

Need a MAPP of black history?
[youtube=] I just discovered an amazing website, an invaluable education tool: Maaping the African American Past (MAAP). This valuable resource was produced by the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) in partnership with Columbia University’s Teachers College and Creative Curriculum Initiatives (CCI), to enhance the appreciation and study of significant sites and [ Read the full article… ]

Never underestimate a genius
[youtube=] This past weekend, I purchased a copy of Kadir Nelson‘s picture book, We Are The Ship: The Story of Negro League Baseball. I planned to read it and post a review here today. But I can’t. Not enough time. We Are The Ship is a high quality read, not a gratuitous tribute to a [ Read the full article… ]

Where I am
Just in case you’re wondering, The Brown Bookshelf is not on hiatus. We’re recovering. The 28 Days Later campaign was a lot of fun, but it was a lot of work, too. In little over a month, we corresponded with 32 authors and illustrators, their agents, editors and publicists. I even spoke with one guy’s [ Read the full article… ]

Looking ahead to Friday!
I just wanted to take a second to let everyone know how excited we are about our 28 Days Later initiative, which premiers on Friday. The past couple of months have been a growing experience for me. Many of the authors we plan to profile here, I’d never even heard of until we began this [ Read the full article… ]

Artist to artist: Don Tate chats with CSK honor winner, Nancy Devard
Wednesdays are my day to blog here at the Brown Bookshelf and yesterday, I realized I had less than 24 hours to come up with something. I had nothing. And I was too busy to even think about it. I wanted to post an interview. Pie in the sky, Nancy Devard, illustrator of the book, [ Read the full article… ]

Re-introducing our 28 Days Later Poster
If you dropped by here earlier today and tried to download our 28 Days Later poster, I need to apologize. We had major problems…or, more specifically, I had major problems. I’ll spare you the technical gobbledegook. But after a long day and many, many, many error messages, I think the poster is finally good to [ Read the full article… ]

CSK: My illustration award predictions
I won’t pretend to have an inside line to the Coretta Scott King committee. I have no idea who they are considering for the illustration award. But if I could wave a magic wand to determine the outcome, the winner would be…well, my book, of course. Ha! Shoot, I’m not ashamed to admit that. For [ Read the full article… ]