The Golden Globes were a bust. And the Oscars may not even take place. But the after-glow of the ALA Mid-winter is blinding. Check out the winners and see if your prediction was dead on or just dead in the water. Let’s hear your reflections in the comments. Coretta Scott King Winner Elijah of Buxton [ Read the full article… ]
Author: paulahy

Head’s Up Vol III
Heads Up is a reposting of AACBWI’s announcement of book releases that may peak the interest of young African American readers. As a Brown Bookshelf partner, The African American Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators society is dedicated to spreading the word about these and other books that are of special interest to multi-cultural audiences. From Board Books [ Read the full article… ]

Betting on the CSK
Who cares about the Academy Awards, Golden Globes and Grammy’s? It’s literary award time. And the mother of all literary awards for children’s authors of color, the Coretta Scott King Award will be given during the annual ALA Mid-Winter in just about a week. We here at the Brown Bookshelf have a vested interest in [ Read the full article… ]

Heads Up Vol. II
Heads Up is a reposting of AACBWI’s announcement of book releases that may picque the interest of young African American readers. As a Brown Bookshelf partner, The African American Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators society is dedicated to spreading the word about these and other books that are of special interest to multi-cultural audiences. From Board Books to [ Read the full article… ]

Thinking Teen
I’ve been asked by both adults and teens, how am I able to write an authentic teen experience, as I’m obviously well beyond my teen years. My answer is always the same: My primary responsibility as a writer, is to write a teen character that’s true to my story and the fictional world I’ve developed. [ Read the full article… ]

Head’s Up
Heads Up, a periodic column of The Brown Bookshelf, is a reposting of AACBWI’s announcement of book releases that may picque the interest of young African American readers. As a Brown Bookshelf partner, The African American Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators society is dedicated to spreading the word about these and other books that are of special interest [ Read the full article… ]

Stocking A Teen’s Bookshelf
YA and teens go well together – they’re both in awkward stages. Teens (and for the sake of conversation let’s include tweens ages 10-12) are newly indepenent thinkers, yet not ready to fly solo. Some blame the underlying tension and conflict between teens and parents on a generation gap – but I think it has more to [ Read the full article… ]

A Measure of Success
There are two measures of success. You know you’ve made it when Saturday Night Live parodies you in a skit or when dissenting opinions go out over the blogosphere. The Brown Bookshelf has “arrived”! No, neither Beyonce or Justin Timberlake has sang a hilarious ode to our venture, but there has been quite a bit of [ Read the full article… ]