Known for her Christian fiction titles written for adults, it was a delight last year to encounter Jacquelin Thomas’ debut YA title Simply Divine which is the first title in a series of books about fifteen year old Divine Matthews-Hardison. After turmoil erupts with her parents, she is forced to go live with a family [ Read the full article… ]
Category: YA Bookshelf

28 & Beyond: It Chicks
The wild popularity of the Gossip Girl series has resulted in a strange and often contentious divide among those looking for good books for young adult readers and those who read them, regularly. On one side, you have some influencers who absolutely cannot understand the appeal of a book where girls are catty, fashion rules and [ Read the full article… ]

Stocking A Teen’s Bookshelf
YA and teens go well together – they’re both in awkward stages. Teens (and for the sake of conversation let’s include tweens ages 10-12) are newly indepenent thinkers, yet not ready to fly solo. Some blame the underlying tension and conflict between teens and parents on a generation gap – but I think it has more to [ Read the full article… ]

Letters to a Young Brother
Recently I picked up a copy of Hill Harper’s Letters to a Young Brother. I purchased it only because my wife chased me through the book store, repeating, like a broken record, “But I think you’ll like this book. But I think you’ll like this book. But I think…” I didn’t want a celebrity book. [ Read the full article… ]