Carmen Bogan is the award- winning author of the picture books, Where’s Rodney?, Granny, Who is God? and its upcoming sequel Up in God’s House. Carmen also founded Dream On Publishing in 2013. On her website, Carmen explains that the mission of her mulitcultural children’s book publishing company is to respect and free the voices and minds of all children and youth through the journey of reading and writing because literacy gives wings to dreams.
She is a member of the Oakland Literacy Coalition and is a writing coach for children and youth. The recipient of the coveted New Voices Literary Award from Lee & Low Books, Carmen holds BA degrees in journalism and English from Stanford University and an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management.
Carmen is a frequent trainer and lecturer to women’s groups, nonprofit professionals, and faith-based organization leaders. Carmen has two daughters and lives in Oakland, California, with her husband.
For more about Carmen, her books, and the illustrators for her book on her website, Dream On Publishing.
Here’s a video for a peek at Where’s Rodney
and its Kirkus Review.
You will find Carmen on her Facebook page and an interview on Ronnie’s Awesome List.
Reblogged this on Tracey Baptiste and commented:
I’m super behind on posting these. I’m trying to catch up. Enjoy!
I don’t often keep track of the New Voices Award winners, but definitely want to track down these books. Thanks for the reminder!