LEE & LOW BOOKS, award-winning publisher of children’s books, is pleased to announce the tenth annual NEW VOICES AWARD. The Award will be given for a children’s picture book manuscript by a writer of color. The Award winner receives a cash grant of $1000 and our standard publication contract, including our basic advance and royalties [ Read the full article… ]
Author: Don Tate

Shadra Strickland wins the John Steptoe Award for New Talent
Yesterday, The American Library Association announced the 2009 Youth Media Award winners. There was much to be excited about, so much to celebrate. But I was most thrilled with the recipient of the John Steptoe Award, given by the Coretta Scott King Task Force. This award is given to affirm African American writers and illustrators [ Read the full article… ]

The First Annual African American Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Conference will take place on April 25, 2009. Speakers and faculty: Sarah Ketchersid—Senior Editor, Candlewick Press Eileen Robinson—Children’s book editor, editorial consultant and creator of F1rst Pages. For almost 10 years, she has acquired, developed, and edited children’s books for both Scholastic as Executive Editor, [ Read the full article… ]

Change Has Come, a picture book by Kadir Nelson
Yes, I’m a grown man. But I dig children’s literature, especially picture books. I admire creators of these wonderful works of art — authors and artists. So you can imagine the excitement I felt when I discovered a new book on the horizon, illustrated by an artist I admire, Kadir Nelson, about the President-elect whom [ Read the full article… ]

Bookshelf roundup
Too often we complain about the shortage of books by and about African Americans. But folks, there’s much to celebrate, too! Here are a few of the wonderful books I’ve read recently: Joseph (McElderry Books) by Shelia P. Moses (ages 12 and up) Life is hard for 15-year-old Joseph Flood. His mother is no good. [ Read the full article… ]

Receiving advanced author copies: Just as exciting today as it was 20 years ago
I recently received advanced copies of Ron’s Big Mission (Dutton, 2009), my most recently illustrated book! It is written by Corrine Naden and the late Rose Blue. I was just as excited last week opening the mail, as I was 20 years ago when first received advanced copies of a book I’d illustrated. My first [ Read the full article… ]

A new book about Honest Abe!
I received two very cool books in the mail today, Abe’s Honest Words: The Life of Abraham Lincoln, written by Doreen Rappaport and illustrated by Kadir Nelson. And We Are The Ship, written and illustrated by Kadir (I already have this book, but shhh!). So what’s up with the Kadir books? I’ve been granted the [ Read the full article… ]