Oh, those Reader Girlz…where do they find the time? I’m telling you, these ladies have clearly found time in a bottle and are not sharing it with the rest of us. Justina, Mitali, Dia and Lorie Ann, what’s your secret? What I’m raving about is Reader Girlz upcoming chat series. In honor of Teen Read [ Read the full article… ]
Author: paulahy

Brown…(but not) like me
Last year, a debate of sorts launched surrounding our name, The Brown Bookshelf. Not just among those visiting our site, but among BBS members as well. Why hadn’t we called the group The Black Bookshelf? After all, the founding members are African American and our primary focus is on books by and for African American readers. And [ Read the full article… ]

The 9 Faces of Cybil(s)
Mmmm…smell that? It’s the scent of rubber burning as life in the literary lane speeds up. Before you know it, there will be talk of Caldecotts, Printzes and Coretta Scott Kings. There is no better time to be an author than when the rubber meets the road and people are talking books. Whew, I almost [ Read the full article… ]

Is there too much white noise …or not enough?
Forgive me, I think I’ve spoken about this before. But I think it’s an issue worth re-discussion, if that indeed is a word. Every now and again, I suffer from internetus overloadicus. It’s bound to happen when you have a website, a Myspace, a Facebook, a blog, are a member of several Yahoo groups, regular [ Read the full article… ]

Real Talk With Independent Bookstores – July 23
A few years ago, the lingo “indie bookstore” would have gone right over my head. As an avid reader, all I knew was I liked books and I’d get them anywhere I could – my local library or the nearest bookstore. But as an author, I realized that the business of writing was much more [ Read the full article… ]

Wait…there’s more!
Agent Jen Carlson stopped by the Brown Bookshelf forum and answered questions about how the economy may be affecting those writing for children, what’s hot in kiddie lit and more. Check out her answers. But wait…if you didn’t get to ask a question or jump in the discussion, agent Regina Brooks of Serendipity Literary Agency [ Read the full article… ]

What’s The State of Children’s Literature?
Is the children’s market in a boom period or declining? What are agents and editors looking for when it comes to books for young readers? Do cycles matter? Or when it comes to the highs and lows of the publishing industry do writer’s simply have to step up their game during the tough times? If [ Read the full article… ]