to brown author, Grace Lin’s Where The Mountain Meets The Moon. Visit Grace Lin’s blog to find out more about the novel for readers age 8-12 and her Twitter Book Party festivities. ************************************************************* Note: Whenever possible i.e. when I’m at my PC at the right time and can do it, I’ll try and pass on [ Read the full article… ]
Author: paulahy
Twitter Book Parties
I have no idea how people do it. But some authors have an insatiable need to pay it forward and give back. Mitali Perkins is one of them. Her latest (ad)venture is helping authors host twitter birthday parties for their new releases. The birthday parties are designed to showcase the books and build awareness. The [ Read the full article… ]
Nominate Today: AALA Show
Last year, the kiddie lit authors had great representation at the fourth annual African American Literary Award show. The two winners (in bold below) were Brown Bookshelf spotlight authors and all of the children’s authors or their books have been featured on the BBS! Could be coincidence, but I choose to think it’s progress. •Denene [ Read the full article… ]
Amy Hodgepodge Joins The MG Club
You know how people like Ashton Kutcher and Diddy are tweeting? And so people think – ooh I can talk to Diddy. Except, when you look at celeb tweeters follow list you notice they’re like anyone else, they’re pal’ing around with people they know. Sure they may read tweets directed to them by their fan/followers, [ Read the full article… ]
BEA Pout-A-Thon Round-Up
What a BEA this has been. I’m more enlightened. I have new authors to follow and all without acquiring a double hernia. Laurie, you may have something here with the virtual version of BEA. I wanted to make sure all of the authors highlighted in Friday’s panel were listed. So here ya’ go. Go forth [ Read the full article… ]
Wk-End Panel – Can of Worms Pt. 2
Okay, so we’ve covered the importance of diversity. Now let’s flip the topic on its head and talk about the thin line of “exclusion.” When I’m speaking on behalf of The Brown Bookshelf I don’t believe I’m excluding my white counterparts. 9 times out of 10 I’m merely trying to get our names and books [ Read the full article… ]