Happy Children’s Book Week! Today, we’re reviving our occasional series, Making Our Own Market. All week, we’ll showcase guest posts by children’s book bloggers, independently-published authors and more with inspiring testimonies and tips to raise awareness of work by Black children’s book creators. Our series will explore questions like these: How can we do a [ Read the full article… ]
Category: Making Our Own Market

Reflections: The Tiny Bigness of Ten Years
Do you know what can happen over a span of 10 years? Let me help you… Personally, my oldest daughter has grown from a thirteen-year-old into a young woman with a college degree and a full time job (my pockets cry amen). My youngest has gone from a toddler to a middle-schooler with aspirations to [ Read the full article… ]

Making Our Own Market: DuEwa Frazier
We are honoured to welcome DuEwa Frazier to the Brown Bookshelf today. Poet, founder of Lit Noire Publishing, author of DEANNE IN THE MIDDLE, and much, much more — DuEwa is a true wonder woman. Grab your notebook and a glass of iced tea, lemonade, or just some cool, clear water…and prepare to be inspired. [ Read the full article… ]

MAKING OUR OWN MARKET: Cake Literary on Writing Diversity and Spicing Up High Concept Fiction
Honoured to welcome Cake Literary to The Brown Bookshelf today! Writers, activists and entrepreneurs who “believe that crafting a good read is like baking a great cake — rich, fresh, delectable flavor with a healthy dose of heart”, the founders of Cake have already transformed the publishing landscape with a mission to engage readers and [ Read the full article… ]