In case you were wondering, the Cybils judging is going just fine. Thanks. Every waking second that I’m not working, writing or mommying/wifeing I’m reading. In reality, that’s not really a lot of seconds but for the first time in history my fast reading skills have come in handy. For once, consuming a book in [ Read the full article… ]
Category: YA Bookshelf

Cleopatra’s Moon Review
By Vicky Alvear Shecter I like historical fiction – more than I realized until I became a total Ken Follett nut. I like reading about ancient cultures. The past is fascinating to me because it’s already happened and can be analyzed and picked apart to death. I’m an overanalyzing kind of gal (the first step [ Read the full article… ]

TRW: The Queen Of Water Review
Queen of water by Laura Resau Every book has its place and its audience. Although The Queen of Water is fiction, it’s based on a true story and it read like a biography. I think readers who enjoy biographies and those who have an interest in learning about different cultures will be most drawn to [ Read the full article… ]

Teen Read Week: Clean Review
In honor of Teen Read Week, I’ll try and post a review of some of the Cybils noms I’m reading. Cybils YA noms have topped out at a little over 180 submissions. *swoons* Two weeks into it and being a first round judge is all that it’s cracked up to be. All YA, all the [ Read the full article… ]

Leverage(ing) Teen Boy Readers
When I sold So Not The Drama in 2006, among YA’s hot topics were not enough books featuring African American teens outside of the historical fiction or inner city blues realm and never enough “boy” books. I’m glad to say that based on this year’s Cybil nominations things are (have?) taking a turn. Leverage, by [ Read the full article… ]

Cybils YA Brown Books
I may have to hurt my library system because they don’t seem to have (m)any of the Cybils books by brown authors. I will not rant about it. I will not rant about it. I will not… Some of these books are new and I understand that procuring them isn’t as easy as me walking [ Read the full article… ]

Celebrating the Multifaceted, Multicultural, and Multicolored World of YA Fiction
Diversity in YA Fiction (DIYA) is a website and book tour founded by two young adult authors, Malinda Lo and Cindy Pon, to celebrate diverse stories in YA. From the site: “DIYA is a positive, friendly gathering of readers and writers who want to see diversity in their fiction. We come from all walks of [ Read the full article… ]

Summer Reading 2009
It’s that time again. School is out for the summer and young adults are looking for something to read. There are plenty of great books on the shelves of local libraries and bookstores to entertain every type of reader. Here are 5 titles to add to your summer reading list or share with the young [ Read the full article… ]