The Cobbler’s Children Have Shoes

Brown Bookshelf Members Talk A Little Bit About…Themselves

Although dedicated to uplifting African American creators of children’s lit, twenty-eight authors at a time, the members of the Brown Bookshelf are about to give loyal visitors to the site a peek “behind the curtain.”

“When you dedicate four months to researching authors and illustrators and another month to interviewing them, it’s easy to fall victim to the cliche, the cobblers children have no shoes,” says BBS member, Paula Chase Hyman. “As we prepare for 28 Days Later we don’t give much thought to talking about ourselves…so we wanted to have a little fun with it.”

March second, the Monday immediately following the 28 Days Later campaign, the blog will launch a week-long feature, Meet The Brown Bookshelf, highlighting factoids about the members, their books and their publishing experience.

“We’ve had folks nominate us for the 28 Days Later campaign, which is an honor we choose not to accept,” says member, Carla Sarratt. “We’d rather keep the focus on the many other authors out there in need of good word-of-mouth. Meet The Brown Bookshelf is a good way to share more about ourselves, once our flagship initiative ends.”

Commenters at the blog during the week of March first will be eligible for a drawing to receive books by Brown Bookshelf members.
