Hmm…feels a little weird in the blogger’s chair. Have I been away that long? I’m peeking my head up from a forced hiatus because Becky Laney over at Becky’s Book Reviews is gearing up for the annual Librarian’s Choices 2008. Last year, I was excited to learn of this list, sponsored by the Texas Woman’s [ Read the full article… ]
Author: paulahy

It’s A Teen, Teen World
In case you live under a rock or haven’t noticed, we’re smack dab in the middle of a teen “renaissance.” Quotes are necessary because pop culture pundits don’t believe it’s a temporary thing, which renaissances typically are. No, as it stands, we’re in the middle of a change in entertainment – movies, TV and music. [ Read the full article… ]

Membership Has Its Privileges
Have you joined The Brown Bookshelf Myspace forum yet? We know, we know – you’re already a member of a million and one other forums, message boards and blog subscriptions. But one more won’t kill you. Especially since, starting next month the forum will host some great guests for our Summer Chat Series. June Temperature [ Read the full article… ]

Where The Rubber Meets The Road
So many books. So little time. I’m overwhelmed with the sheer number of books available. I used to feel ignorant when someone would wax on about an author I hadn’t heard of, because they’d speak of them as if everyone should know the person. I no longer feel that way. There are lots of books [ Read the full article… ]

Speak Up…Who’s Your Favorite?
I’m used to my own blog being quiet. People lurk and like it that way. I never give them a hard time about it. But Don and I have always wished the comments here at the BBS reflected the number of folks actually visiting. Still, I don’t want to scare anyone away by making them [ Read the full article… ]

28 & Beyond: The Making of Dr. Truelove
I dislike controversy. I’m drawn to controversy. In between my two realities lies the author of young adult fiction. While the conscious side of me never wants to piss off the literary influencers by writing something they’d deem censor-worthy, when I’m writing (my unconscious side) I’m not thinking about anyone except the characters at hand. That [ Read the full article… ]

28 & Beyond: It Chicks
The wild popularity of the Gossip Girl series has resulted in a strange and often contentious divide among those looking for good books for young adult readers and those who read them, regularly. On one side, you have some influencers who absolutely cannot understand the appeal of a book where girls are catty, fashion rules and [ Read the full article… ]

Why we do what we do
Some days I look up from a full day of Brown Bookshelf preparation, writing, promotion or whatever is on my plate and I wonder what possessed me to add such a detailed initiative as 28 Days Later onto my workload. I could plead temporary insanity. But what might my Brown Bookshelf cohorts excuses be? Could [ Read the full article… ]