“When I was born, the doctors told my mom that if I did survive I would have lots of health problems and be blind, deaf and severely mentally delayed . . . Boy were they wrong!” —Tyler Gordon Fifteen-year-old Tyler Gordon has had a lot to manage in his young life. He is partially deaf [ Read the full article… ]
Category: Bookshelf Giveaways and Contests

Celebrating the Multifaceted, Multicultural, and Multicolored World of YA Fiction
Diversity in YA Fiction (DIYA) is a website and book tour founded by two young adult authors, Malinda Lo and Cindy Pon, to celebrate diverse stories in YA. From the site: “DIYA is a positive, friendly gathering of readers and writers who want to see diversity in their fiction. We come from all walks of [ Read the full article… ]

Blog Tour: Dork Diaries
On June 2, 2009, author Rachel Renee Russell released her debut middle grade book Dork Diaries. Never fear, being a dork is cool these days and Nikki Maxwell, the dorky protagonist, embraces her dork status. To welcome Nikki and Rachel to The Brown Bookshelf family, I sat down with the two of them recently to [ Read the full article… ]

And the winner of our giveaway is…
I put all the names in a hat, and asked my son to draw one. He was perplexed, yes, only because I offered no explanation. But our winner is Tammi Sauer! Thanks for all the comments, we certainly appreciate everyone’s support. Tammi, your signed copy of Little Red Riding Hood, by Jerry Pinkney is in [ Read the full article… ]

Talk to us, giveaway
Listen, I have a signed copy of Little Red Riding Hood, by Jerry Pinkney. Got my copy this weekend while attending the Texas Book Festival. Now, let me establish something at the get-go: I like comments. If ya’ll aren’t talking to me, I’m going to assume you either don’t like me, or…well, that you don’t [ Read the full article… ]