-by A, 13
Strove through strife
A motto for Black children
Blackness is excellence
We are not too dark to be noticed
It is not a reason for abuse
Blackness is beauty
They tried to shape our hands
To fit only chains
We made a fist.
To show love
In our community
To hold a pen
Mightier than a sword
To hold a microphone
That ensures we will be heard–
Say it loud
Be it loud
Black and proud.
What are you thinking? How are you feeling about what is happening in our towns and cities, our world? Where do we go from here? What would you like to see happen? What do you want to do? How can we offer our support?
Your lives matter. The Brown Bookshelf opens up this space to you — to young readers, to parents and caregivers, to educators, and all who work directly with children and teens.
Send your submission to teambrownbookshelf@gmail.com
Please feel free to share your words and/or images with us, by sending them to teambrownbookshelf@gmail.com. And we will post them here (Unless a contributor requests otherwise, we will share first initials, age and/or position only.)
Read this for more about Voices of Change on The Brown Bookshelf.
THIS is a fabulous idea.
I will share this website with my teen daughters. I want to promote their interest in reading and also in submitting poetry and their artwork.
This is such a great poem! It is much needed in this day and age with how tings are going in our country and around the world. Being black is still to this day seemed as lesser or bad. Why is it in 2017 we are still dealing with issues our grandparents and parents fought hard for us not to have to deal with. Standing united is so important and crucial in this day. Being a united front shows unity and that we can not be stopped by the racism and bigotry that is continuing plaguing this country and this planet. Understand the “blackness is beauty” is so important for the younger generations to fully understand and accept. Without that they are not powerful. Being proud of who you are brings a new light of strength that NO one can take away from you. I want to make sure that all young black men and women understand their true worth, and not let this world tear them down. I want my time as a future educator and one helping children along their path to inspire them to always be the absolute best that they can be. In the poem it states “They tried to shape our hands, to fit only chains, we made a fist. To show love”, resonates with me. Showing unity and love through our black communities will only make us stronger as ONE.
The writer of this poem really presents the characteristics of African Americans. The writer also explains the history of African Americans and how they showed love which was by making a fist. I really enjoyed reading this poem.
Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to share your own words, art, and thoughts as well.
I feel as if this poem stand for every African american boy/girl out there that felt like they weren’t enough, they couldn’t fit in, and were ashamed of who they really were.