Holy anger management, Batman! I’ve read about some fictional mean girls, in my day, but Rita Williams-Garcia’s Dominique from Jumped takes the crown. It got me thinking about mean girls and the role they play in YA fiction. About four years ago, mean was really in. Gossip Girl hit its zenith and every time I [ Read the full article… ]
Author: paulahy
28 & Beyond: Kimani Tru
It can be argued (feel free to do so in the comments, as a matter-of-fact) that when it comes to YA for African Americans, once you step out of the traditional – literary fiction of the historical and realistic variety, much of what’s being marketed, currently, falls into two new categories – hood or christian. [ Read the full article… ]
The Brown Bookshelf’s Tweetin’
Personally, I think social networking is going to be the death of us all. We’re just going to network ourselves to pieces. I’m not totally convinced that it’s the marketing tool of ages that others do. For the most part, if you were a popular business or entity before you Myspaced, Facebooked or yes, Twittered, [ Read the full article… ]
And the winners are…
Thank you for your support this year. This year’s 28 Days Later campaign was a roaring success. We more than doubled our page views and appreciate the word-of-mouth and blog love the site has been given. Please continue to spread the word. And while I’m sure discovering more about authors are already a reward for [ Read the full article… ]
Your Blog Is Fabulous!
Thanks to Patricia W over at Readin N Writin blog for selecting The Brown Bookshelf as a Fab Blog. Since you’re only supposed to select five blogs and it’s five of us here at BBS, it works out perfectly. You’re also supposed to list five things you’re addicted to…but sorry Pat we’re going to skip [ Read the full article… ]
Meet The BBS: Varian Johnson
Vital Statistics Structural Engineer / Grad Student at the Vermont College of Fine Arts /YA Author Bibliography: Saving Maddie (Delacorte, 2010) My Life As a Rhombus (Flux, 2008) A Red Polka Dot in a World Full of Plaid (Genesis Press, 2005) Three Words That Describe Varian Laid-back Friendly Determined Varian’s Writing Style Hmm…I’m still trying [ Read the full article… ]
Meet The BBS: Carla Sarratt
Vital Statistics Quality Assurance Supervisor /YA Author Freshman Focus Just Be Three Words That Describe Her Ambitious. Procrastinator. Daydreamer. Her Writing Style I still have not shed my teacher persona so that comes out in my writing. I want to still be able to teach through my writing yet not have it feel like 300 [ Read the full article… ]
Meet The BBS: Paula Chase Hyman
Vital Statistics Transportation Marketer by day/YA Author by night/Mommy and wife in between Author of The Del Rio Bay Series (Dafina, 2007-2009) Three Words That Best Describe You: Pop.Culture.Fanatic. Do not challenge me in a game of trivia. I warn you, my brain is a cauldron of mindless information. Her writing style My stories tend [ Read the full article… ]