John Green (who is my author crush, except don’t tell Scott Westerfeld!) has broken down all of this cover madness, for us, in his brutally honest and Nerdfighter way. He says: Designers will be liberated to design the coolest jackets without so many commercial constraints, because the focus will be on the right audience instead [ Read the full article… ]
Author: paulahy
Be Counted
Over at my blog, I’m calling readers of my series to take action and be counted. I’m asking them to write to my publisher with a very simple: I read this book. I like it. I am here! sort of message. This, as a result of the LIAR cover and ensuing discussion about “black books” [ Read the full article… ]
Thank you, sir. May we have another?
I was so pleased to hear about a new book blog in town. Which may seem weird, because there’s truly no shortage of book blogs. Unless you’re looking for one from the perspective of a Black teen. And I’ll glaldy be proven wrong, here. If you know of book blog sites helmed by an African [ Read the full article… ]
Who’s The LIAR?
Yup, gonna throw my .02 in the ring on Justine Larbalestier’s LIAR cover. And if Justine got even a quarter of the .02 cents accumulating, she wouldn’t have to write anymore. There’s quite a buzz about this book, but especially its cover. In case you didn’t know (and if you’re bookish, you already do), Justine [ Read the full article… ]
Show Your Love
Personally, I don’t know how book bloggers do it. Read all those books and actually articulate how they feel about them. Yes, yes, I know that The Brown Bookshelf is a book-sih blog. But we’re not a review site. We aim to increase awareness by highlighting authors and their books – but note, rarely in [ Read the full article… ]
It’s an honor to be nominated…
You know how, when someone loses out on an award they immediately say, “It’s just an honor to be nominated?” And being the skeptics that we sometimes are, we question if they mean it. I mean who doesn’t want to be win an award? Anyone not want to? Anyone? I didn’t think so. The good [ Read the full article… ]
What the BBYA?
Writers are like hornets. If you shake up our nests we’ll come out buzzing, stinging and fighting to defend our home. The blogosphere was abuzz with agitation, Friday, when SLJ announced that the Best Books for Young Adult list would be bidding us adieu. The Young Adult Library Association (YALSA), keeper of the list, feels [ Read the full article… ]
Take The Dare
So I’ve been reading about Cynthea Liu’s Take The Dare, Show You Care challenge for about three weeks, but most of that time I was on vacation and away from the PC. Now that I’m back, I wanted to make sure I posted it before it ends. Cynthea and a slew of other authors/publishing peeps [ Read the full article… ]